$50 이상 구매 시 전세계 무료 배송
넥스가드 스펙트라 스몰 (Nexgard Spectra Small) 3.5 - 7.5 kg 강아지용 - 6개입

Nexgard Spectra는 내부 및 외부 기생충을 예방 및 치료하는 효과가 있습니다.

유통기한 : 07/2025
거의 모든 내외부 기생충을 예방 및 치료하는 신제품으로 1회 급여시 한 달 동안 강아지를 보호합니다.
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질문과 답변 (10)
My dog lost weight from 8kg to 5.6kg because he was old. Should I buy 'Small' to fit my dog's changed weight?
Yes definitely. If your dog weighs 5.6kg now, you should use the "Small" size.
Hi, My dog is 3.4-3.5kg Maltese+ poodle mixed Should I buy a small or an Xsmall?
You can use either one but X-Small is a more economical option.
Now my dog is 10 months. and 3.1kg. He is still growing up.so,Which product buy small or x-small?
if you think the adult weight is going to be higher than 3.5 you should buy the Nexgard Spectra Small.
My puppy is 17 weeks old (Tiny poodle) and weight only 1 kg, can she take Nexgard Spectra Small instead of using Revolution?
There is Nexgard Spectra X-small for dogs under 3.5 kg. You should use that size if your dog under 3.5 kg.
my dog weighs 3.8~4kg. please tell me whether to buy xs or s.
In this case you should buy NG Spectra Small
상품 리뷰 (4)
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  • 별점 1 0%
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매우 좋았습니다! 빠른 배송. 의학에 효과적입니다. 감사합니다.
A. Kim
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J. Gaudet
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yunhee choi
very good!
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