My dog does not have fleas but can I use this product to prevent from getting fleas
By Julie on 27 Apr 2019
Yes, Revolution is treatment and preventative at the same time.
I don't see Revolution in the list of products when I click on the category for "Tick Control." Does it work for ticks, and if so, why isn't in the list of product choices under the "Tick" label?
By Paul on 03 May 2018
혁명은 진드기를 다루지 않습니다. 그것은 벼룩과 장내 벌레를 죽입니다. heartworm.
I placed an order for Revolution purple (5-10lbs.) the puppy weighs more than 5 lbd. but is only about 7 weeks old. Is that safe for him or should I exchange it for the pink puppy? Thank you!!!
By Buscobum77 on 29 Sep 2016
You shouldn't use this product on puppies younger than 8 weeks old. When he/she is 8 weeks old or older, you should buy the whichever product is right for his/her weight
I have a 8.5 week old border collie, she weighs 6.2lbs. She is quickly putting on weight so I assume this product would be the right product for her versus the puppy and kitten formula that only goes up to 5lbs.
By Hailey.Fisher on 06 Jul 2016
6 주 이상 된 강아지에게는이 제품을 안전하게 사용할 수 있습니다. 네, 이것이 당신이 사용해야하는 제품이 될 것입니다.
My dog is small at 10 lbs and a few ounces. Would I order the pack for dogs 11-22 pounds. I don't want to over medicate him.
By Superauntshelly on 25 Jun 2016
그가 작은 품종이라면이 제품은 충분히 좋을 것입니다. 그러나 우리는 항상 귀하의 수의사에게 조언을 구하는 것이 좋습니다.