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5 Foods Your Dog Should Never Eat

 2013년 12월 9일에 wai 작성 |
All of us want our dogs to be healthy and happy, but it can be quite a struggle to resist the temptation to give your furry friend table scraps. While a special treat on occasion may not be cause for concern, there are several common foods that can b...

당신의 개를 산책 : 팩 리더십 수립을위한 6 가지 팁

 2013년 12월 9일에 wai 작성 |
It doesn’t matter if you’re walking just one dog or 10 at a time; you can keep them in line if you’ve established yourse...

개들은 고양이로부터 웜을 잡을 수 있습니까?

 2013년 12월 9일에 wai 작성 |
There are several types of worms that dogs can become infected with including tapeworms, hookworms, roundworms, whipworm...

겨울철 당신의 개 발 보호하기

 by wai on 2013 년 11 월 23 일 |
Winter can be incredibly hard on a dog's paws. While a dog's paw does form a hard callus, this does not prevent them from the possibility of frostbite or dry and cracking feet. If you live in areas that suffer from particularly harsh weather, there a...

Why Won’t Kitty Keep Clean?

 by wai on 2013 년 11 월 05 일 |
One of the determining factors between being a cat person or a dog person is the propensity for pet purification. If you...

벼룩에 대해 모를 세 가지.

 by wai, 2013 년 10 월 31 일 |
If you have a flea problem, you're probably trying to solve it the best way you know how.  But fleas are tough to get ri...

항공 : 애완 동물의 안전한 운송

 by wai, 2013 년 10 월 28 일 |
댓글 없음
Moving is always a pain. If you’re traveling vast distances, it’s a full on headache. You’ve got to have all of your stuff shipped, and pray that it all arrives undamaged. Luckily, there are reputable moving services and insurance for those that can ...

Emotional Support Animals

 by wai, 2013 년 10 월 19 일 |
This might be news to you, but apparently there are some laws on the books that say any animal with a vest on is legally...

Pet Behavioral Medication: Pros and Cons

 작성자: 2013년 10월 11일 |
So today I felt like touching on a subject with a little bit of controversy attached to it. Full disclosure: this is a t...

A Completely Subjective List of the Most Awesome Mix Breed Dogs Ever

 작성자: 2013년 10월 05일 |
So let me let you in on a little secret: most “top 3, 5, 7, 10, etc.” lists that you’ll see on the internet, are not actually judged by any ranking criteria whatsoever. The order means very little, if anything at all. Ah. It feels good to be honest....
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