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태그로 필터링됨('재미있고 기발함')

Animal Actors: Celebrity Quadrupeds Part 2

 by zack on 2013 년 5 월 22 일 |
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Welcome back to the Petbucket blog’s official examination of famous Hollywood pets, animal actors, and celebrity mammals of all sorts! We capped things off last time with a fascinating look into the elder statesman of feline film: That Darn Cat. Toda...

Animal Actors: Celebrity Quadrupeds

 by zack on 2013 년 5 월 18 일 |
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Animal actors have a long history in Hollywood. Movie magic and fluffy cute stage hands go together like butter and pop...

An Abbreviated History of K-9 Crime Fighters

 by zack on 2013 년 5 월 17 일 |
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There’s just something fascinating about a crime fighting animal. Human beings have been depending on dogs to help prote...

Dogs Can Smell Cancer

 by zack on 2013 년 4 월 17 일 |
Man’s best friend has been responsible for a lot of wonderful human advancements throughout the ages. Thanks to the domestication of dogs, humans gained the ability to herd other domesticated animals and support ever larger populations. Dogs have be...

Top 3 Heroic Dogs

 by zack on 26 3 월 2011 |
We’ve all heard stories of animal bravery. It’s no wonder we refer to dogs as “man’s best friend,” when on numerous occa...

Brazillian Pet Motel: A Flair For the Dramatic

 by zack on 23 Feb 2013 |
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Just in case you thought you were acting a little too crazy for your own good when it comes to your pet, I’m bringing yo...

Sacred Felines: History of the Cat Part 2

 작성자: 2012년 10월 20일 |
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As you learned yesterday, cat history is a multifaceted and complicated subject. As far as science is concerned, the earliest sign of cat domestication began in ancient Greece with the advent of agricultural societies. Later in the history of the cat...

Sacred Felines: The History of the Cat Part 1

 작성자: 2012년 10월 19일 |
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Everyone knows that cats are great companions: aloof and precocious, as well as excellent hunters. However, not many peo...

Bouncy Bulldog

 by brian on 24 Sep 2012 |
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A crazy British Bulldog who thinks he is a gymnast. Did someone train him or does it come naturally?  

Cat Breeds: More Than You Might Expect

 by zack on 2012 년 9 월 18 일 |
고양이의 특정 유형이 얼마나 많은지 잊기 쉽습니다. 개보기의 인기가 높아지면서 전반적으로 개과 동물에 대한 노출이 늘어남에 따라 고양이 종의 사실은 모두 공고를 피했습니다. 진실은 40 개 이상의 차이가 있다는 것입니다 ...
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