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태그로 필터링됨('건강과 웰빙')

당신은 개를 얼마나 먹어야합니까?

 2014 년 6 월 21 일에 제이미 |
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When you buy a new puppy and bring it home to your house for the very first time, it can be intimidating trying to adjust to this addition to your life. New parents bringing home a baby often worry about how much or how often their new child should b...

애완 동물의 심장 사상충 위험

 2014 년 6 월 20 일에 제이미 |
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Heartworm is a serious and potentially fatal condition that affects both dogs and cats. Heartworm is an internal parasit...

우리 애완 동물이 우리에게 가르쳐 줄 수있는 것들 7 가지

 2014 년 6 월 19 일에 simone하여 |
Anyone who shares their life with a pet, or who has ever spent time with a pet, knows that animals enrich our lives. Res...

나쁜 개 숨을 해결하는 7 가지 방법

 2014 년 6 월 19 일에 제이미 |
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Almost every dog owner has faced the problem of doggy bad breath at one time or another. Most veterinarians advise getting your dog used to having their teeth brushed from a young age, but when this is not a workable solution, you can find other ways...

4 팁과 진드기로부터 애완 동물을 보호하는 구제.

 2014 년 6 월 18 일에 제이미 |
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The icy-cold grip of winter has relented, and people across the US are getting outside to enjoy the warm weather and sun...

고양이를 활발하게 유지하는 5 가지 요령

 2014 년 6 월 17 일에 제이미 |
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It's no secret that keeping cats active can be a chore. Unlike dogs who fetch, like to go on walks, and are generally ra...

알레르기 환자 11 명을위한 최고의 개 품종

 michelle, 2014 년 6 월 16 일 |
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According to the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, approximately 10% of the American population is allergic to dogs. While some may only suffer from itchy eyes, others have more serious issues like constricted breathing. In either c...

De-Flea Your Home에 오신 것을 환영합니다.

 2014 년 6 월 16 일에 제이미 |
When your pet has fleas, the whole household has fleas, and it can be an incredibly frustrating experience to rid your h...

너 애완 동물의 똥 점수가 뭐니?

 by wai, 2014 년 6 월 16 일 |
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Does your pup’s poo resemble hard nuts or soft piles? While the occasional soft stool or bout of diarrhea is normal for ...

애완 동물 및 재활 : 왜 그렇게 중요합니까?

 2014 년 6 월 14 일에 simone하여 |
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After surgery, an injury, or for pain management associated with medical conditions, it is important for our pets to have rehabilitative care and physical therapy. The goal of this type of treatment is to reduce any pain and discomfort and restore st...
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