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벼룩은 대체 어떤 놈일까?

 작성자: 2018년 10월 19일 |
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There is an unbreakable rule of war: Know Your Enemy. Know them inside and out, what their weaknesses are, their schedules, where they sleep, what they eat, and their greatest fears. To establish true mastery over a foe, one must become intimately aware of all that they are. Make no mistake, if you wish to win the war against parasites your greatest weapon will always be knowledge.  Knowing how a flea operates is the quickest and surest way to lead your enemy to an untimely and immediate end.

Some Strange Facts about Nature’s Tiniest Vampires
To know your enemy, you must first know what they do and where they do it. For example, did you know that most fleas spend nearly 80% of their time off of their host? They really only bed down on a playful pup or curious cat at meal time. Furthermore, once they’ve reached full maturity, they can survive up to 2 years between meals. That means treating your pet and its surroundings is the best way to keep flea bites at bay.

The basic facts about fleas are obvious: excellent jumpers, they suck blood, flea bites are itchy, etc. However, there is much more to these insectoid Draculas than a shallow evaluation would suggest. There are over 2000 different varieties of fleas. These varieties are classified mostly for the type of hosts they inhabit. Strangely enough, fleas are like connoisseurs. They only go for one kind of prey, a sort of interspecies brand loyalty that even Apple executives would have to envy.

Flea Bites
Flea bites can significantly lower a pet’s quality of life. A flea bite has its obvious effect: a swollen itchy bump that can leave a pet tearing out chunks of hair in frustration. However, the damage it can do isn’t limited to an itchy inconvenience. Flea bites have been known to cause allergic reactions due to flea saliva, significant hair loss sometimes leading to Hotspots, and in rare cases even Anemia.
Inhumane Treatment for Bloodsuckers
There are two main types of treatment for eradicating fleas: Tablets and Topicals. Topicals are the preferred method of flea control for most pet owners due to the ease of application and overall efficacy. One drop of a topical will translocate across a dog or cat’s skin via the sebaceous system, (these are the glands that secrete oil in mammals,) and circulate through the animal’s blood stream as well, often killing intestinal or arterial parasites as part of the bargain. Tablets work by interrupting the flea life cycle. The prevent flea eggs from hatching into larvae.

Once you’ve determined the best method for your pet you only need to point and click your way to a purchase at a reasonable price. Now that you know your enemy, it’s time to stop flea bites in their tracks and unleash the hounds, if you catch my drift. Pick up the spot on topical or tablet that best suits your pet today.


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